New Delhi:After the historic decision to regularize unauthorized colonies, Delhi BJP today organized Nukkad meeting in 1731 colonies to inform the people about the massive thanksgiving rally to be held on 22nd December and to create awareness among the people about the amenities that will be available to the people after regularization.
On this occasion, Delhi BJP President Shri Manoj Tiwari challenged the Aam Aadmi Party and the Congress. He said that they should not create disturbance by spreading rumors in Delhi on Citizenship Amendment Act because this law is to give Citizenship to the refugees and not meant for depriving any person of citizenship right. 15 cases have been filed in connection with the incidents in Seelampur and out of which 5 cases are against the leaders of Aam Aadmi Party and Congress leaders by their names. It clearly shows that both these parties are working to disturb peace in Delhi. Everybody has right to express his view but there is no place for violence in the society. It is very sad that people are not studying the Citizenship Amendment Act but believing in the rumor. The Aam Aadmi Party and Congress are taking advantage of it and adding fuel to fire for creating disturbance.
Shri Tiwari said that Kejriwal government has always misled the people of Delhi in the case of unauthorized colonies. The Central BJP government has worked for conferring ownership rights and now BJP workers are continuously helping people in the process of registration. The DDA has set up 50 camps for registration where BJP workers are always present to help the people, but Delhi government is not taking any steps for this purpose. Chief Minister Kejriwal himself has failed to do anything for the people but is trying to deprive the people of the benefits of the public welfare schemes by Central Government. If anyone raises the issue of providing houses for the poor in any official meeting then he leaves the meeting in midway.
Former Mayor Shri Harsh Malhotra said that Chief Minister of Delhi has been doing nothing for the last 58 months and now in view of upcoming Assembly elections he is trying to mislead the people by making false announcements. Chief Minister Kejriwal is in the habit of making false statements and hollow claims. Aam Aadmi Party claims to be the well wisher of the poor people but it has always neglected the people of unauthorized colonies and Jhuggi-Jhopdis. In spite of hindrances by the Aam Aadmi Party Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi regularized these colonies with his determination. Chief Minister Kejriwal has lost the trust of people