Kuwait Ambassador to India H.E. Jassem Al- Najem cxtendcd his gratitude and appreciation to the Indian government, for the facilities provided to cvacuatc the Kuwaiti citizens stranded in thc
Rcpublic ol” India last Friday and Satui day through Kuwait airways airlines.
H.E. the Ambassador also thanked the Indian government for sending a 15 member medical team and providing two tonnes of medical equipments by special military aircraft which reached Kuwait on April 11, 2020 as a humanitarian gesture to help fight the spread of COVID-19 pandemic, where thC lndidn medical team in coordination w’ith its Kuwaiti counterparts carried out its work Ice two wcel‹s.
I”he Ambassador highly appreciated the Ifldian govCFninent gestui es to continue supply ot” medicine ,including Paracetamol tablets and foods to Kuwait .
The Ambassador highlighted the government o1“ thc State of Kuwait’s efforts to evacuate all illegal workers ol” dit”lñrcni nationalities, including Indian nationals who were granted general amnesty by Kuw’aiti government and ol‘1fired to lctch thcm back Its their rcspcctive countries free o1 cost and by its own civil airlines. Kuwait is looking forward to work with the Indian government to implement its massive evacuation plan to bring back the Indians who are willing to come back voluntarily to India after the complete lockdown ends on May 3. 2020, in the backdrop of Corona virus pandemic and extraordinary situations the world is witnessing.
S. Earlier .the Ambassador o1‘ the State of Ktnvait to the Republic of” India reiterated in a press statement made to the Kuwait News Agency (KEEN A) on April 27, 2020, lauded the historic relationship between Kuwait and India, and the two counti ies always seek tti develop them in political and economic domains. Kuwait and India were cooperating and coordinating ttl step up the tight against the novel Corona virus (COV I I)-19). Hotli countries share many principles in their foreign policies, like respecting IN Charter, non- intcrtércnce in other countries’ affairs and respecting sovereignty of nations. The Ambassado added that the joint committee mceting was scheduled lor the 1?rst quarter this year but the Corona virus, has li rccd {Postponement of” the meeting. Kuwait and India, are working on a new date mutually acccptablc.
6. It is worth mentioning here that, the honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a telephonic conversation to his Kuwaiti counterpart Sheikh Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, the Prime Minister of the State of Kuwait. Similarly, Foreign Minister of Kuwait Sheikh Dr. Almed Nasser Al- Mohammed Al-Sabah made a telephonic conversation with his Indian counterpart Dr. S. Jaishankar to discuss the bilateral relations that bind the two countries in various fields. Kuwait and India traditionally enjoy friendly relations and both countries have lead a healthy tradition o1 high level contacts and both are keen in enhancing these relations in all fields for the benefit ot both friendly nations