I am the mother of the person that our nation remembers as Nirbhaya.
Before being called India’s Daughter, she was my child.
Next Monday, 16th December will mark 7 years since she was gang-raped by 5 brutes, before she died of her injuries. 4 of them were later sentenced to death.
I have waited with dignity for justice all these years. Now with the case dragging on and on, I am tired. My patience has run out. But I won’t be able to rest until my daughter’s killers are punished.
My name means hope. Hope is what keeps me going. It makes me believe that my prayers will be answered. Hope made me start this petition, Anton.
Requesting our PM to intervene and speed up the delivery of justice in the Nirbhaya case. And to set a timeframe for fast-track trials for deciding cases of crimes against women.
Last month after another daughter was snatched away in Hyderabad, many more gruesome cases have come to light. I know what all these victims’ families are going through.
I want the government to know that we are not alone. Millions of Indians are tired of waiting.
As her mother, I need justice. As a nation, we need closure.
Thank you for giving me hope,
Asha Devi