New Delhi: Delhi Police has indentified the students who were involved in the violence in Jawahar Lal Nehru University. Delhi BJP President Shri Manoj Tiwari and New Delhi MP Smt. Meenakshi Lekhi have given their reactions in this case.
Delhi BJP President Shri Manoj Tiwari said that the investigation report of the JNU case has been made public today in which the real face of the left has been exposed. Whenever elections are to be held such violence is committed so that the youth may be misled. The report has made it clear that the parties which have been rejected by the people are trying to mislead the students by hatching conspiracy. AAP and the Congress Party are trying to de-stabilize an elected government so that the attention of the people may be diverted. The Chief Minister of Delhi had threatened to disrupt the Republic Day parade in January and called himself anarchist. Aam Aadmi Party also spread rumors on CAA in Delhi and tried to vitiate the atmosphere giving it a communal color. By supporting the Tukde-Tukde gang the Chief Minister of Delhi Kejriwal has betrayed not only the country but also the people of Delhi for which they will not forgive him.
MP Smt. Meenakshi Lekhi said that what happened in Nankana Sahib the entire world has seen and it brought the focus back to CAA and also in its favor. The anti CAA movement was fading, elections are around the corners in Delhi and after addressing 35000 workers by Shri Amit Shah and contacting people door to door in favor of CAA, the violence by students happened in JNU. It proves that it was pre-planned. Worst is that celebrity were called to help and collect the mob and the leftist used the students to spread violence. Headliners of anti Pak also disappeared. Hence, in my view the students should not be used for politics. They should concentrate on their exams and studies.