Union Cabinet has approved National Education Policy 2020, paving way for transformational reforms in school and higher education sector in the country
Key points:
- New Policy aims for Universalization of Education from pre-school to secondary level with 100 % GER in school education by 2030 ; GER in higher education to be raised to 50 % by 2035
- NEP 2020 will bring back 2 crore out of school children into the main stream and add 3.5 crore new seats in higher education
- New 5+3+3+4 school curriculum with 12 years of schooling and 3 years of Anganwadi/ pre-schooling
- Emphasis on Foundational Literacy and Numeracy, no hard separation between academic streams, extracurricular, vocational streams in school
- Assessment reforms with 360 degree Holistic Progress Card, tracking Student Progress for achieving Learning Outcomes
- Higher Education curriculum to have Flexibility of Subjects
- Multiple Entry / Exit, and transfer of credit through an Academic Bank of Credits
- Affiliation System to be phased out in 15 years with graded autonomy to colleges
- Light but Tight Regulation of Higher education, single regulator
- National Research Foundation to be established to foster a strong research culture
- increased use of technology with equity; National Educational Technology Forum to be created
- New Policy promotes Multilingualism in both schools and HEs; Teaching upto at least Grade 5 to be in mother tongue/ regional language ; National Institute for Pali, Persian and Prakrit , Indian Institute of Translation and Interpretation to be set up
- NEP 2020 emphasizes setting up of Gender Inclusion Fund, Special Education Zones for disadvantaged regions and groups