The JNUTA in its desperate attempt to maul the democratic ethos of the university had sent some people to disrupt the peaceful sit-in of JNUTF. A fellow colleague was harassed, chased, threatened and physically assaulted by an unruly mob of students. Such violent act is is highly condemnable. We demand administration to constitute a fair enquiry in this incident.
However, despite this devious attempt and threat to disrupt our democratic, peaceful sit-in and march, JNUTF programme was hugely successful. A large number of teachers and colleagues participated in the March.
The JNUTF firmly stands with the demand that at least 10% of national budget should be allocated to education. We urge the JNU administration to provide a conducive and peaceful environment for smooth conduct of examination. This is essential for the career of all students.
JNUTF appeals to the students and fellow colleagues to help in successful conduct of end semester examination.