New Delhi: Extending his good wishes on the eve of New Year to the people of Delhi on behalf of Delhi BJP family, Pradesh President Shri Manoj Tiwari said that may the New Year be happy year for all of you. BJP family wishes all of you happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.
Pradesh President Shri Manoj Tiwari said that last year the people of Delhi had to suffer due to air pollution, poisonous water etc. but Delhi BJP made all the efforts to solve these problems. It gave a Diwali gift to more than 40 lakh people of Delhi by getting the unauthorized colonies regularized. Lakhs of shopkeepers were given great relief by waving the conversion charges in 105 markets of Delhi and the Central government also gave a great relief to the household industries by allowing 9 workers in place of 5 and for using 11 KW of power in place of 5KW. On the other hand, Kejriwal government misled the people by false claims. Now BJP will form government next year in Delhi and the development works will be expedited in Delhi.