New Delhi: With new-age skills gaining preference at the technology firms, Indian IT professionals are gearing up to spend on learning the emerging technologies. TechGig’s latest survey reveals that about 87% of survey respondents are looking to learn or adopt a new software development technology in the Year 2020. Of these, about 73% of IT professionals are willing to pay Rs 10,000-20,000 per year for upskilling.
India’s largest technology community, TechGig surveyed 1,057 IT professionals to understand their preference for learning new-age software development technologies. Most respondents (57%) of this survey belonged to the 25-34 age group.
“This is a critical finding because it shows the seriousness of software developers towards staying relevant at work floors,” said Sanjay Goyal, Business Head, TimesJobs & TechGig. “In today’s disruptive work environment, especially in the IT domain, anyone who is serious about his career will consider learning as a long-term approach. As the TechGig survey says that most respondents are ready to spend Rs 10,000-20,000 per year for upskilling, this reveals that people are indeed very focussed on learning new tools to grow in their career,” he said.
Python most popular technology that IT professionals want to learn
TechGig’s survey asked the respondents to name the technology that they would like to learn for software development. Python emerged as the top choice for learning, with as many as 35% of respondents saying that they would learn the language. This was followed up by Java, as voted by 15% of respondents and C++ as voted by 12% of respondents.
Python preferred for ease of use
In another question, most respondents (26%) said that they already work on Python, in comparison to other languages as Java (voted by 21%), JavaScript (voted by 13%) and SQL (voted by 11%). When asked the reasons for working on Python, most IT professionals (41%) said that it is ‘user-friendly’. This was followed by other practical reasons such as ‘technological fit’, as stated by 17% of respondents and ‘ease of development and maintenance’ as voted by 13% of respondents.
Technology news sites most preferred medium to know about IT trends
About 56% of respondents said that they read about new tools and technologies regularly to stay updated about new developments, which hints that most technologists are keen on knowing about the trends that are impacting the IT domain.
Answering another question, the respondents said that technology websites sites like TechGig were their most preferred medium to get updates on the IT domain. About 21% of respondents voted for ‘technology sites’, followed by options as ‘reading tech blogs’ voted by 20% of people and ‘subscribe to tech Youtube channels’ as voted by 15% of respondents.
About TechGig:
TechGig is a culmination of everything related to technology. TechGig is a platform exclusively for IT professionals to synergize, share, exchange ideas, facts and information as well as showcase their work and express their views on the vast repertoire that the IT industry encompasses. Garnering cutting-edge insights, jobs, reviews and news, as well as providing a platform for connecting with colleagues and peers are the mainstay of TechGig.
Media contact: neha.verma3@timesinternet.in