A delegation led by BJP National Vice President and Delhi In-charge Shri Shyam Jaju submitted their report alleging that the refugees were deprived of the basic facilities provided under the Human Rights and Indian Constitution. In the case of Hindu refugee, Kejriwal government has violated human rights on one side and on the other hand, it has disregarded the order of the Commission which was given to provide basic facilities to these refugees.
Before giving the report to the Commission with Shri Jaju today, visited the refugee camp located at Signature Bridge and Majnu Ka Tila where the Kejriwal government disconnected the electricity to the temple from where the 125 families located nearby Signature Bridge were getting light. At the same time, the power being given by a genset was also remover at the Majnu Ka Tila. Shri Amit Khadkhari, Shri Mahesh Verma and some media persons were also present, in their presence a video was made of the pathetic situation which was embarrassing in the name of humanity and today the Human Rights Commission was handed over a video of in the pen drive so that it could take prompt action.
In its report before the Commission, it has been described the order which was passed on 14-06-2019, and detailed the four points in the report on the pathetic condition there, which is mainly about lack of electricity, water, medicine and other basic facilities, how can they deprive the people who are today are entitled to get Indian citizenship status under the Citizenship Amendment Act. One sentence of these refugees shakes human conscience when they say “Sham Ke Baad Hum Sabhi Andhe Ho Jaate Hain “.
He said that many people living in the cold weather and leading such a bad life have become victims of death, yet the condition of those who are living there is getting worse and worse. In such a situation, he said that the Human Rights Commission should send its team there and without any delay and order the Delhi government to ensure that the basic facilities are provided there. He was of the view that torturing the people who are entitled to become India Citizen under Citizenship Act is like committing atrocities by Kejriwal.